We Are Free From Fear of Death Due to Covid-19
The time was exactly 14:24 pm when I got this text from NCDC. It said “Until scientists find a certified drug for COVID-19, let us all Take Responsibility by avoiding large gatherings to reduce the risk of becoming infected.”
I have been getting such messages. And I am wondering why all these messages?
For me, they create only fear in people and you see, there is nothing that destroys a person quicker than fear. For what you fear, you attract. See Job 3:25
For me as an Ambassador of Christ, I and my family do not fear any evil for we are super safe from Covid-19 and every other sickness or disease. The Lord has kept me and my family free from every plague, sickness or disease since 1991 till date. So, we are not afraid because The Lord Our Keeper is not tired. And He will keep us till the end.
WE are super confident of supernatural protection and safety because the Name of the Lord our God is our strong tower, we have run into it and we are safe. Why I am so sure no Covid-19 or any evil plague will ever come near us anywhere we are or go
We are fully bought at a great price and belong to The Lord. 1Corinthians 6:19-20
The Lord says He will preserve us from all evils forever wherever we go. Psalm 121:4-The Lord has given us Power over all that can harm anyone here on earth. Luke 10:19
The Lord has promised us that no weapon formed against us will work. Isaiah 54:14-17
Fear has torments and the Lord has warned us not to join the fearful in this world or to fear the fear they fear or be afraid. 1John 4:18; Isaiah 8:12-13
The Lord has assured us that a thousand may fall at our side and 10,000 by our right hand but what affects them CANNOT affect us. Psalm 91:5-10
Above all, The Lord who has never lied and cannot ever lie has promised to take every sickness or disease away from us and lay them on those that hate us and He has kept His word for over 29 years. Exodus 23:25-26; Deuteronomy 7:14-15
We have not believed a liar or lies. We know Him whom we have believed and we know He is able to keep whatever is entrusted into His care forever.
Our Lord delivered Daniel from being devoured by the lions in their den (Daniel 6).
Also, Our Lord delivered Shedrach, Meshach and Abednego from the fire whose heat destroyed those that threw them into it (Daniel 3).
Moreover, Our Lord protected ALL His people from all the evil plagues and diseases that destroyed those who ignored Him and lived to oppress others. Exodus 7:14 to Chapter 12:40
Furthermore, Our Lord is able to keep to the uttermost every one of us free from Covid-19 or any other plague (Hebrews 7:25). Therefore, we do not fear any evil.
Moreover, we know “For us to live is Christ and to die is gain” (Philippians 1:21); And nobody who is not out of his mind is afraid to make gain! We are not afraid of death today, tomorrow and forever!
If you are fearful or afraid of Covid-19 or any other evil-plague and need safety, please come over to our camp! We are making HEAVEN-Now Real for all by showing all How-to Live in Heave now! Peace!!! WWW.HEAVENOW.ORG