Total Restoration Prayers & Power Demonstration
Total Restoration Prayers & Power Demonstration.
According to Scriptures, there are arrows that fly by day and there are destructions that waste lives at noonday (Psalm 91:5-6).
From the above, it is clear that the execution of satanic, disastrous and destructive evil plans that waste lives are mostly carried out at noonday! The question is, Why does Satan destroy at noonday?
Notice that though the enemy works most at noonday, Christians are most busy then looking for a means of livelihood that almost only an insignificant few engage in real prayer at noon. And this prayerlessness at noon gives the enemy enough room to operate unchecked. This is why the enemy destroys at noonday? And this is why the Total Restoration Prayers & Power Demonstration.
The enemy’s operations at noonday must be stopped [at noon] and we are going to do it. The arrows that fly by day and the destruction that wastes at noonday must be stopped and we are not going to watch the enemy continue these evil wasting of lives.
Total Restoration Prayers & Power Demonstration is all about YOU!
Please join us enforce YOUR freedom from all forms of evil wastes targeted at YOU and all yours this year. Please, Do not neglect for your adversary is not asleep but at work at noonday!
Total Restoration Prayers & Power Demonstration holds everyday (Monday to Sunday from 6:30am WAT.
Spread the word. Tell everyone. We are taking back our place and all that belongs to us by force. Peace!