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December 2019 Heavenly Word Focus

December 2019 Heavenly Word Focus

2019 is Our Year of Amazing Restorations! And since this year began, we have seen Amazing Restorations in diverse areas of our lives and ministry.

This December 2019, Our Heavenly Word Focus is Amazing Restorations by Intense Prayers and Thanksgiving. Philippians 4:6; 1Thessalonians 5:17-18; Luke 18:1-8; 2Kings 8:1-6; James 5:16-18.

All through this Month we shall be Engaging Intense Prayers and Thanksgiving to enforce all of our remaining Amazing Restorations in 2019.

As we move into this very unique month, I want to remind us that Our Heavenly Father hears and answers intense, heartfelt Prayers.

Scriptures show us that Moses, Aaron and Samuel called upon Him and He answered them. Psalms 99.6

Jabez (whose name means ‘sorrow maker’) called on Him and He answered and granted him his requests. 1Chronicles 4:9-10

Manasseh who committed untold sins and  all kinds of unheard of atrocities called upon the Lord and He heard him, rescued and restored him to his kingdom and throne. 2Kings 21:1-16; 2Chronicles 33:1-13

And in Jeremiah 33:3, The Lord God our Father gives us an open invitation saying “Call unto me and I will answer you!”

This month is a very special month. So every Call you will make all through this Month, will receive express answers in Jesus Name. And Amazing Restorations shall be the result of every Call we will make this Month in Jesus Name.

What is Prayer? Prayer is defined as:

  1. The act of communicating with God. Jeremiah 33:3

Communication is always a two-way thing. We talk to our Father and He responds to us.

  1. Urgent request. Psalm 118:25

Sinking Peter cried out ‘Lord, save me’ and He was saved by the Lord. Matthew 14:28-31;

  1. Reverent petition to God. Luke 11:1-13

The leper came and worshipped Him, saying, Lord, if thou wilt, thou can’t make me clean. And Jesus made him clean. Matthew 8:1-3

  1. A fixed text used in praying. Psalm 119:89; 12:6

The Word of God when used in prayers works wonders. Elijah prayed and locked up the Heaven using Deuteronomy 11:16-17 and prayed again and opened it using Deuteronomy 11:13-15.

Why Thanksgiving during prayers?

  1. Thanksgiving is required for our Prayers to receive God’s urgent attention. Phil 4:6
  2. Thanksgiving is necessary to receive quick answers from God. Philippians 4:6-7

3..Thanksgiving enforces the speedy fulfilment of God’s Will of Amazing Restorations for us. 1Thessalonians 5:17-18

Why Intense Prayers and Thanksgiving?

  1. God our Father has been faithful to us since January till now. 1Thess 5:24
  2. God our Father is at work today causing all things to work together for our good BECAUSE He Loves us dearly. Romans 8:28
  3. God our Father will fulfill His Will for us this year by enforcing our Amazing Restorations. Colossians 1:12; Acts 3:18-21
  4. Nobody’s Amazing Restorations for 2019 will be carried over till 2020. Ecclesiastes 7:8

From Scriptures, we understand that the widow got her requests from the wicked king and judge. Luke 18:1-5.

Likewise, the man got his request from his friend at midnight, just before the day was over. Luke 11:5-8

Jabez was granted his requests by The Lord God who is Our Father. 1Chronicles 4:9-10

Jesus said the Father will answer us quickly as we Call on Him by Faith. Luke 18:5-8

We are approaching Our Father with a dogged determination that His agenda for each of us this year must be fulfilled. And we have no plan ‘B’.

Elijah prayed and the answer came same day. James 5:16-18

Samuel prayed and the answer came same day. 1Samuel 12||:16-18

As we offer intense Prayers and Thanksgiving this month, I see Our Father in Heaven answering us speedily and granting each of us Amazing Restorations of all things due us in 2019 in Jesus Name.

Please don’t sit back and watch others. Offer Intense Prayers, Thanksgiving and Praises every moment of this month!

I am eagerly Expecting your testimony of Amazing Restorations!

It is well. Peace now and always.

Yours Because of The Lord,

Amb Promise Ogbonna

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