If You Are Sick, You Need Healing Not Prayer! 2
If You Are Sick, You Need Healing Not Prayer!
There are so many people who are sick and asking for prayer. That is wrong. Please listen to me, you don’t need prayer when you are sick. You need healing.
When you are hungry, you don’t need prayer. You need food. And only the one who has food can give you food. When you are thirsty, you don’t need prayer. You need water. And only the one with water can give you water. Anyone who does not have food or water may pray for you and leave you hungry or thirsty.
The same thing happens when you are sick. You don’t need prayer, you need healing. And only the ones sent and given power can GIVE you healing.
Did you notice that Jesus never prayed for one person that was sick to be healed? Did you also notice that neither Peter nor Paul ever prayed for the sick to be healed? Why? Because they were sent to heal the sick not to pray to God to heal the sick.
The Lord sent me to Heal a Zillion! If you are sick, you are part of the number He sent me to heal. Please get in touch immediately and stop wasting your time asking for prayer! The Lord has given us all you need to be healed.