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Christ’s Ambassadors Living Mission Int’l aka Jesus Mission Headquarters


From the 13th to the 21st of November 1994, I waited on the Lord for 7 days and 7 nights without food or water. It was a dry fasting and prayer programme. I was asking the Lord to show me the way to go and for Grace to obey Him and do His Will. I was praying for His help to live to please and Honour Him. I was in Lagos for my Student’s Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES).

Now, while in School, I had had an encounter with the Lord from the 18th to the 20th of July 1994. In that encounter the Lord had told me I was going to serve Him! So, I decided to wait on Him for clarifications. I was a student but hungry to live and please the Lord who showed me Mercy and raised me from death after I was poisoned and left to die. On Wednesday (16-11-94), I heard the Audible voice of The Lord say to me PRAISE GOD!

On Thursday, the 17th of November 1994, at exactly 03:00 am, the Lord Jesus appeared to me. I was lying down but not asleep. He gave me the Name “Christ’s Ambassadors Living Mission International” (CALM). And the Lord told me CALM is the Name of the Ministry He was going to run through me. He was sending Me as His Ambassador to the world to reach man wherever he is found, stop anything after man’s destruction; raise build and plant His Ambassadors on His Living Mission everywhere and restore all things according to the Heavenly pattern.

Four things happened as He gave me the Name: a soul was saved (salvation), a deaf and dumb was healed (healing and deliverance), provision for the Vision was inaugurated (supernatural supplies and prosperity) and victory was announced by the LORD (victory and dominion over all). To God be all the Glory!


1.CALM is God’s Home of Righteousness, Judgment and Justice.

  1. CALM is God’s Home established for the total wellbeing of the Body of Christ.
  2. CALM is God’s Home of Health and Sickness Free Place for His People.
  3. CALM is God’s Zion and Fire Place where the All-Consuming Fire of the Lord is.
  4. CALM is the city of our solemnities where The Presence and Glory of The Lord dwells.
  5. CALM is the Home of Goodnews from the Everlasting Gospel shall be preached to all them that dwell on the earth, and in every nation, and kindred, and tongue and people.
  6. CALM is where the inhabitants shall dwell in peaceful habitations enjoying rest on every side, with neither adversary nor evil occurrence.
  7. CALM is the city of Health and His Specialist Healing Centre for all the sick, wounded, afflicted, oppressed and brokenhearted where THE LORD OUR HEALER ministers healing to every sick person. “The inhabitants shall not say I am sick: the people that dwell therein SHALL BE FORGIVEN THEIR INIQUITY.”
  8. CALM is the city of Blessing and Prosperity, His place of no tears. CALM IS BLESSED ABOVE ALL.
  9. CALM is the Mountain of The Lord for The Transfiguration of The Saints.
  10. CALM Is God’s Storehouse, Treasury and Distribution Center for the care of the poor and needy worldwide.
  11. CALM is God’s Love Headquarters and Center for Raising, Building and Releasing or Planting of Christ’s Ambassadors as His Seed and on His Living Mission Worldwide.


From the 1st of January 2013, I began waiting on The Lord in a fast daily for the whole month. I continued in February because I wasn’t satisfied with the status quo. There was a yearning within me and a stirring that I couldn’t explain. So, I told my wife and children I was going to Lagos on a 40days fast, and that if the Lord does not answer me, they should not expect me back.

I left Enugu for Lagos on the 6th of February 2013 fasting. I got to Ore in Ondo State on my way to Lagos and the devil knocked my car engine to stop me. I left the car there at Ore and proceeded to Lagos. From that 6th I arrived Lagos, it was encounter upon encounter. I ate no food day or night. I was hungry for God! I wanted all of Him. The Lord just had to do something to move His work forward for the sake of His Name. There’s God’s way of doing ministry to bring His fullest blessing to the whole world. And I wanted it.

On 7/2/13 The Lord told me no Pastor called, commissioned and sent by Him should be retired or sacked by man no matter their age. They are Priests of The Most High and His Ministry Gifts to The Body of Christ. They are to serve Him till He calls them home.

The next day being the 8/2/13 I had a very unique vision. In the Vision, the Lord gave me His Preaching Anointing and The Gifts of The Spirit and I preached with amazing and tremendous Power. Diverse gifts of the Holy Ghost were in full manifestations.

Again, On 9/2/13 The Lord gave me His Authority and Power. Immediately an evil spirit came and posed as an obstacle before me. As I opened my mouth and said In Jesus Name, I Cast You Out, the evil spirit disappeared in an instant – ever before I finished saying In Jesus Name.

Furthermore, On the 10th of February, 2013 The Lord appeared to me in a vision and gave me the Name “Jesus Mission Headquarters!” (JMH). Why the New Name? And the Lord showed me that the Church Arm of Christ’s Ambassadors Living Mission International is to be called Jesus Mission Headquarters. The Lord said that Jesus Mission Headquarters will be His platform and World Mission Operational Headquarters in these last days as Eden was Adam’s Mission Headquarters.


  1. The Lord said that Jesus Mission Headquarter will serve as an arrowhead to spearhead all of His operations globally in this end time.
  2. JMH is His platform to Reproduce His Faithful Ambassadors who will Restore all things according to the Heavenly Pattern.
  3. To spearhead the spreading of The Everlasting Gospel of The Kingdom of Heaven to everyone everywhere.
  4. To spearhead the serving of all men in their need everywhere.
  5. To serve as His mobilization and motivation Centre where everyone is to be totally mobilized and motivated for a lifetime of total commitment and personal, practical involvement in the accomplishment of the mission of Jesus to the earth and world.
  6. To serve as a platform for the training of Jesus Mission Workforce who will be released as His Ambassadors, Saviours and Kings into the field of world harvest to reap, recover and restore all.
  7. To Raise, Build and Plant all as His Ambassadors to reign as kings and priests in Christ’s order in their respective jobs, vocations, places of work, career, sphere of influence and areas of endeavor.

These are few of the reasons why Christ’s Ambassadors Living Mission – Jesus Mission Headquarters and why we are here. There’s more yet to come!

Know for certain that something unseen and unheard-of has begun. And to God be all the Glory!

Now we ask YOU to prayerfully Join us in whatever capacity the Lord would demand of you to complement the great work our fathers have done and to complete the remaining task ahead.

God Bless You in Jesus Name.


Rev. Amb Promise Ogbonna

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