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We are Christ’s Ambassadors Living Mission Int’l aka Jesus Mission Headquarters! We are Christ’s Ambassadors sent on His Living Mission. God’s Voice on the earth today. We are Heaven’s Ambassadors on Christ’s Living Mission sent to Stop anything after man’s destruction, Bring the Goodnews, Peace, Healing, Liberty, Restoration and All of Heaven to all everywhere. We are here to  Raise, Build and Plant all as Christ’s Ambassadors, Saviours and Kings everywhere and Restore All things according to the Heavenly Pattern!


Our Heavenly Commission is to Stop anything after man’s destruction, Preach The Everlasting Gospel to All everywhere; Bring Healing, Liberty and Restoration to all; Raise, Build and Plant all as Christ’s Ambassadors everywhere and Restore all things at all costs and by all means according to the Heavenly Pattern!


Our Heavenly Vision is to Restore All things everywhere at all costs and by all means!


1). The Fatherhood of God: God is Our Heavenly Father. We are gods like our Father (Ps 82:6; Jn 10:34). We are members of His New Family. God Our Father is in Heaven, Our Nation/Home! We are His Children, MADE Exactly in His own Image and Likeness. John 20:17; Lk 11:2; Gen 1:26-28; 2:7

2). The Lord Jesus Christ: Jesus is God and Man. He is the Last Adam. He is the exact Image and Likeness of God. Christ is the Standard and Prototype. He came to show us Who God is and Who Man Made by God, in His Image and Likeness, is and How God wants us to live. Jn 1:1-5,14; Ge 3:15; Mt 28:18; Ac 10:38

3). The Holy Spirit: The Holy Spirit is God and came to Make Man God. We are Christ’s Ambassadors because the Holy Spirit Who is God, Lives IN us now in His Fullest Capacity as God. We are Full of the Fullness of the Godhead; Healthy, Wise, Holy, Anointed and as Powerful as God is Now because God the Holy Spirit Lives and Acts in and through us now. Ro 8:11; 1Cor 3:16; Ze 4:6; Isa 11:2; Acts 10:38

4). The Living Word: The Spoken Word is The Living Word and is God’s Creative Wisdom given to us to operate like God. It is the Solution to All Problems and is given to us to solve All Problems for all of mankind. Jn 1:1-3; Ps 33:6,9; Gen 1-2

5). HeavenNow: We are Heavenly Citizens and Ambassadors on earth. We Live in Heaven-Now! God’s Will is to make HeavenNow real for all His people on earth everywhere. Ge 2:8-15; Jn 3:13; Col 1:13; Eph 2:6; Lk 11:2

6). Vision/Guidance: We must see Jesus and hear from His mouth to be His Witnesses. Seeing what the Lord is showing and Hearing what He is saying are prerequisites before going to where He leads and Doing All He Commands. Ac 22:14-15; Pr 29:18; Jn 5:19; Ps 32:8; Is 58:11

7). Kingdom Wealth Transfer: The wealth of the sinner is ours. The riches of the gentiles are ours. The world and all things in it are ours. The Seed is prosperous and is our weapon to Enforce Kingdom Wealth Transfer and conquer the world. Teach on the Seed to Infinity! We need it for Prosperity, Kingdom Wealth Takeover and Dominion over all on earth. Pr 13:22; Isa 60:5,11; 61:6; Lk 8:11; Ge 1:26-29; 2:8-17; Ze 8:12; 8:22; 2Co 9:6-11; Ps 107:20; Pr 4:20-22

8) Grace: Righteousness/Justice: Grace is Equality & Equity for all. We are to Execute Righteousness and Justice for all who are oppressed. Ps 84:11; 103:6; Jer 21:12; Rom 5:17; Lk 4:18-27; 2Cor 8:9; 9:8.

9). Faith: Faith is Our Master to Victory. We Live by Faith and Faith makes all things God can do possible for us. 1Jn 5:1,4,5; Rom 12:3; Lk 17:5-6; Gal 3:11; Mk 9:23; 11:22-23; Eph 6:16

10). Love: Our Living Mission is to Love like God and Serve mankind like Christ. The Living Mission  is Kingdom Service, Healing, Liberty and Restoration. God is Love. Jesus came to show us How God Loves. All Jesus did, does and wants done is rooted in Love. Love is demonstrated in Selfless Service and Sacrifices.  Jn 3:16; 1Jn 3:14-18,23; 1Jn 4:7-8,16-18; Jn 12:23-27; 13:1,34-35; 15:12-13 

11). Worship/Intercession We are created to worship God our Father and offer Him our Thanksgiving and Sacrifice of Praise continually. Jn 4:23-24; Eze 22:30-31; Is 53:12; 1Tim 2:1-4

12). Miracles Wonders & Signs Jesus Christ was approved of God by the miracles, wonders and signs God did by Him. We are Miracles, Wonders and Signs on earth and we reproduce same. Ac 2:22; Heb 2:4; Ex 34:10; Mk 16:20


  1. Empowerment Mandate – Restore My Power to My Ambassadors
  2. Ambassadors Mandate – Restore My Image/Likeness to My Ambassadors
  3. Healing Mandate – Restore My Health to My Ambassadors: Heal a Zillion!
  4. Restoration Mandate – Restore All Things after the Heavenly Pattern
  5. Publishing Mandate – Publish the Words of Life for all everywhere
  6. Wealth Transfer Mandate – Restore My Wealth/Riches to My Ambassadors
  7. Kings-Dominion Mandate – Enthrone My Ambassadors to Reign everywhere
  8. Training Mandate – Train My Ambassadors in My Wisdom Ways/Works
  9. Church Planting Mandate – Plant Christ’s Love-Ruled Church worldwide
  10. Miracles Wonders/Signs Mandate – Restore Miracles, Signs/Wonders to all
  11. Education Mandate – Educate Equip/Empower My Ambassadors with skill
  12. Youths Enthronement Mandate – Recover/ Enthrone the Youths


1). Church Arm – Plant Ambassadors Worship Centres everywhere.

2). Training Arm – Establish Ambassadors to Train Ambassadors everywhere.

3). Missions Arm – Establish Mission Outreaches/reach out to all everywhere.

4). Healing Arm – Organize and Run Healing Campaigns everywhere.

5). Publishing Arm – To Publish and Distribute the Words of Life to all worldwide by all means.

6). Education Arm – Educate and empower the poor and needy everywhere.

7). Youths Arm – Build Youth Vision Complex to recover/restore the Youths

8). Transport Arm – Run Ambassadors Transworld to move My People around

9). Welfare Arm – Ensure none goes to bed any day hungry. Meet every need.

10). ICT Media Arm – Use ICT/Media to reach all with God’s Love/Blessings

11). Projects Arm – Establish HGRCAMP, Living homes, Farms and Projects

12). Treasury Arm – Run Amb Treasury/Ontop Mission Banks to Fund Mine


As Christ’s Ambassadors Living Mission Int’l aka Jesus Mission Headquarters, we bring the Goodnews, Peace, Healing, Liberty, Restoration and HeavenNow to all.

We are continuing to do all the works Jesus did, is doing and has commanded to be done on earth today.

Furthermore, We are Raising Building and Planting all as Christ’s Ambassadors  on His Living Mission everywhere and Restoring all things after the Heavenly Pattern! 


God wants mankind restored to His image and likeness, established in the Kingdom of Heaven on earth as Christ’s Ambassadors and restored to Heaven on earth now!

Christ’s Ambassadors Living Mission International aka Jesus Mission Headquarters is the Christ’s platform to make HeavenNow real for all.