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2020 Heavenly Word Focus

2020 Heavenly Word Focus

Christ’s Ambassadors Living Mission International


2020 Heavenly Word Focus: 2020 is Our Year of Unheard-of Restorations. Acts 2:17-21

Our Mandate Summary Focus is to:

Make ALL Christ’s Ambassadors! Make ALL like Jesus Christ. Luke 6:40; John 14:9; Colossians 1:15

Make Heaven NOW a Reality for ALL! Make Every-Home like Heaven. Luke 11:2,20; Colossians 1:13; Gen 2:8-25

2020 is Our Year of Unheard-of Restorations. Acts 2:17-21

‘And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God, That I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh; Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, Your young men shall see visions, Your old men shall dream dreams. And on My menservants and on My maidservants I will pour out My Spirit in those days; And they shall prophesy. I will show wonders in heaven above And signs in the earth beneath: Blood and fire and vapor of smoke. The sun shall be turned into darkness, And the moon into blood, Before the coming of the great and awesome day of the LORD. And it shall come to pass That whoever calls on the name of the LORD Shall be saved.’

What is Unheard-of Restorations? 1Corinthians 2:9; Ephesians 3:20

It is God Our Father restoring to all who will dare believe His Word what over 15.4 billion eyes on earth today have not ever seen. 1Corinthians 2:9

It is God Our Father restoring to all who will dare believe His Word what over 15.4 billion ears on earth today have not ever heard. 1Corinthians 2:9

It is God Our Father restoring to all who will dare believe His Word what over 7.7 billion hearts on earth today have not ever conceived as possible. 1Corinthians 2:9

It is God Our Father restoring to all who will dare believe His Word exceedingly, abundantly far above all the over 7.7 billion mouths on earth today can ever ASK God to do. Ephesians 3:20

It is God Our Father restoring to all who will dare believe His Word exceedingly, abundantly far above all the over 7.7 billion minds on earth today can ever Think God CAN do. Ephesians 3:20

This year there will be unheard-of restorations of The Holy Spirit upon all flesh as upon Christ.

This year there will be unheard-of invasion of God upon all flesh by The outpouring of the Holy Spirit on all flesh.

This year there will be unheard-of investment of The Holy Spirit by God Himself into all flesh.

This year there will be unheard-of restorations of relevance to all flesh.

This year there will be unheard-of empowerment of all flesh by God our Father.

This year there will be unheard-of releases of unheard-of ‘anointings’ of The Holy Spirit by God upon all flesh.

This year there will be unheard-of restorations of usefulness by the restoration of the Holy Spirit by God to all flesh.

This year there will unheard-of restorations of visions and revelations by the outpouring of The Holy Spirit on all flesh by God.

This year there will be unheard-of restorations of Heavenly Dreams and Divine ideas by the outpour of The Holy Spirit on all flesh by God.

This year there will be the unheard-of rise of Kingdom Giants in every strata of society by the outpouring of The Holy Spirit on all flesh by God.

This year there will be unheard-of restorations to Divine Health and the Re-emergence of His Ambassadors of Health by the outpouring of His Holy Spirit upon all flesh.

This year there will be unheard-of restorations of power by the outpouring of the Holy Spirit by God on all flesh.

This year there will be unheard-of restorations of God’s Wisdom by the outpouring of the Holy Spirit by God on all flesh.

This year there will be unheard-of restorations of wealth and riches by the outpouring of the Holy Spirit by God on all flesh.

This year there will be unheard-of restorations of strength by the outpouring of the Holy Spirit by God on all flesh.

This year there will be unheard-of restorations of honour by the outpouring of the Holy Spirit by God on all flesh.

This year there will be unheard-of restorations of glory by the outpouring of the Holy Spirit by God on all flesh.

This year there will be unheard-of restorations of blessing by the outpouring of the Holy Spirit by God on all flesh.

This year there will be unheard-of restorations of boldness for preaching by the outpouring of the Holy Spirit by God on all flesh.

This year there will be unheard-of restorations of unheard-of utterances by the outpouring of the Holy Spirit by God on all flesh.

This year there will be unheard-of restorations of the fear of the Lord by the outpouring of the Holy Spirit by God on all flesh.

This year there will be unheard-of restorations of grace by the outpouring of the Holy Spirit by God on all flesh.

This year there will be unheard-of restorations of the giving grace by the outpouring of the Holy Spirit by God on all flesh.

This year there will be unheard-of restorations of Healings by the outpouring of the Holy Spirit by God on all flesh.

This year there will be unheard-of restorations of divinity by the outpouring of the Holy Spirit by God on all flesh.

This year there will be unheard-of restorations of love by the outpouring of the Holy Spirit by God on all flesh.

This year there will be unheard-of very strange manifestations engineered by the outpouring of The Holy Spirit by God on all flesh.

This year there will be unheard-of restorations of His creativity by the outpouring of the Holy Spirit by God on all flesh.

This year there will be unheard-of restorations of Miracles by the outpouring of the Holy Spirit by God on all flesh.

This year there will be unheard-of restorations of signs and wonders by the outpouring of the Holy Spirit by God on all flesh.

This year there will be unheard-of restorations of the gifts of The Spirit by the outpouring of the Holy Spirit by God on all flesh.

This year there will be unheard-of restorations of peace by the outpouring of the Holy Spirit by God on all flesh.

This year there will be unheard-of restorations of justice by the outpouring of the Holy Spirit by God on all flesh.

This year there will be unheard-of restorations of holiness by the outpouring of the Holy Spirit by God on all flesh.

This year there will be unheard-of restorations of righteousness by the outpouring of the Holy Spirit by God on all flesh.

This year there will be unheard-of restorations of devotion to God by the outpouring of the Holy Spirit by God on all flesh.

This year there will be unheard-of restorations to service by the outpouring of the Holy Spirit by God on all flesh.

This year there will be unheard-of restorations of worship by the outpouring of the Holy Spirit by God on all flesh.

This year there will be unheard-of restorations of intercession by the outpouring of the Holy Spirit by The Lord on all flesh.

This year there will be unheard-of restorations of the spirit of grace and supplications by the outpouring of the Holy Spirit by the Lord on all flesh.

This year there will be unheard-of restorations of fellowship by the outpouring of the Holy Spirit by The Lord on all flesh.

This year there will be unheard-of restorations of caring by the outpouring of the Holy Spirit by The Lord on all flesh.

This year there will be unheard-of restorations of sharing by the outpouring of the Holy Spirit by The Lord on all flesh.

This year there will be unheard-of restorations of the spirit of faith by the outpouring of the Holy Spirit by The Lord on all flesh.

This year there will be unheard-of restorations to explosive ministry by the outpouring of The Holy Spirit by The Lord upon all flesh.

Watch out, The gods have come down to earth in the likeness of flesh will be heard again and the people will take back all that belongs to us.

This year there will be unheard-of restorations of liberty by the outpouring of the Holy Spirit by The Lord on all flesh.

This year there will be unheard-of restorations of dominion by the outpouring of the Holy Spirit by The Lord on all flesh.

God says “I will out My Spirit on all people!”

What does God mean by “My Spirit”?

The Spirit is the Material of Heaven and every Heavenly Being or Creation of God, WHO is a Spirit, is a Spiritual Substance or Materiality.

The Spirit is the Substance of Heaven!

Therefore, When God says I will pour My Spirit into all flesh:

God says I Will POUR OUT MY SPIRIT, MY ALL, ALL I AM into You to Make you All I Am AS I AM NOW!

God says I Will POUR OUT MY SPIRIT or The Tangible Substance of God into you.

God says I Will POUR OUT MY SPIRIT or the Essence of God’s own being into you.

God says I will pour into you My Seven Spirits.

God says I will pour My Eternal-ZOE Life into you.

God says I will pour My whole Worth into you.

God says I will pour My Personality into you.

God says I will pour My Whole Being into you.

I will pour My Reality or ALL OF ME into you.

I will EMPTY MYSELF AND ALL I AM into you.


I will Transfer all My Anointing to you.

I will Handover ALL MY POWER to you.

I will GIVE TO YOU ALL that Makes Me God.

I will give to You My Mantle as Elijah to Elisha.

I will put all of Me into you and MAKE YOU ME for you to Be Me and do My Work on earth.

I will pour out All My SUBSTANCE INTO YOU.

I will pour out All My TANGIBILITY INTO YOU.

I will pour out My Spirit on You and Handover All My Wisdom, Word & Work on earth to you.

I will pour out My Spirit on you and MAKE YOU My Ambassadors – My Mouthpiece and My Spokesman and You will Speak My Words and Perform My Miracles and wonders and signs.

I will pour out My Spirit on You and You will be My Extension (All I AM) on earth.

The Spirit of God is ALL there is of God; For God is a Spirit! John 4:24

According to Luke 1:35. The Holy Spirit is The Power of The Highest or Most High God!

Jesus said in Luke 24:49, We shall be Endued with Power from on High or The Power of the Highest.

Again, Jesus said in Acts 1:8 We shall receive The Power from on High or The Power of The Highest when We receive The Holy Spirit.

That means this Year 2020, God will duplicate Himself in everyone that will dare believe His Word and through us manifest ALL THERE IS OF GOD upon the earth henceforth.

To this new era of LIVING I welcome every Christ’s Ambassador and all the HOST of others that will be joining us this year 2020.

Peace in Jesus Name!

Amb. Promise Ogbonna

January 2020

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